Sunday, May 2, 2010

Today, it started out cloudy. It stayed cloudy for a long time till about 12:00 p.m then the clouds started to drift off. Then even later than that there were no clouds and it was sunny and warm. Then it stayed warm at about 7:00 p.m there were still not clouds. It was very nice most of the day. A good day to go fishing. We caught 11 fish when we went.
Temperature: 70.5' F (8:33 p.m)
Dew Point:49'F
Wind:0 mph
Wind Gust:3.1 mph
Barometeric Pressure:28.97 (rising)
Heat Index: 77' F
Visibilty:10 miles
Uv: 0 out of 16
Clouds: Clear
No current events

Saturday, May 1 2010

Today, it started out cloudy. Then it jsut stayed cloudy most of the day. They only time it actually rain it was later about 9:00 p.m. It was cooler outside because of the clouds. It stayed rain all through the night till the next morning

Temperature:High-70' F Low-53' F
Humidity: 82%
Dew Point:53' F
Wind: 1 mph
Wind Gust: N/A
Barometeric Pressure: 29.7 MBAR
Heat Index: 62' F
Visibility: 8 miles
Uv:1 of 18
Clouds: Overcast
No Current Events

Friday, April 30 2010

Today, this morning it was only cloudy. But as it got later and later it got stormier and stomier. At about 10:30 a.m. it started to rain. And then you could start to hear faint sounds of thunder. Then you could actually see lighting. At about 2: 30 p.m it was just dark clouds moving over and nothing else. Then later at about 7:40 p.m it was warm and there wasnt a cloud in the sky. It was a good night to go dancing.

Temperature: High- 75' F Low- 53' F
Humidity: 80%
Dew Point: 59' F
Wind:14 mph
Wind Gust:43 mph
Barometeric Pressure: 29.39
Heat Index: 67' F
Visibility: 9 miles
Uv: 1 out of 18
Clouds: Stormy (2,00 ft)

Current Events
Jenks Middle School Spring Fling 2010
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Thursday, April 29 2010

Today started out warm and sunny with little clouds. Through lunch time it gradually got warmer and warmer. Then later around 5 it got a little cloud for a little bit and they drifted away not much later. Thats how it remained through the night also,warm. Later that night it started to get vloudy because a front came in. Over all the day was nice, warm and sunny, a good day to go out.

Temperature:High-84' F Low-64' F
Humidity: 76%
Dew Point: 55' F
Wind: 19 mph
Wind Gust: 37 mph
Barometeric Pressure: 29.55 MBAR
Heat Index: 86' F
Visibility:10 miles
Uv: 6 out of !8

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